“We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more, and things that are more distant, than they did, not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they, but because they raise us up, and by their great stature add to ours.”

attributed to John of Salisbury, learn more here.

About Me

I will be starting my PhD at Georgetown University in Fall 2024. I will be working with Prof. Nathan Schneider and other excellent folks of NERT, GUCL, and CS. Before this, I was a master’s student at CU Boulder, working on natural language processing with Prof. Katharina Kann and the NALA Group.


My email is abhishek DOT purushothama AT colorado DOT edu, but I prefer using Linkedin messaging for non-academic professional conversations.

Professional details

Depending on your intention, you can check my CV here for my academic CV, or my Linkedin profile here for details of my professional background.

Writing, Code, Books



I write technical and non-technical blog articles infrequently, you can find them on my medium site here.

Code and other projects

I do have public repositories and open-source or public contributions which can be seen in my Github profile here.


I like to read (largely fiction) and for better or worse track it on Goodreads. If you are interested you can find my shelves here. If you ever meet me, feel free to ask for a personal recommendation :).

Bookstore recommendations

I try and visit (preferably independent) bookstores when I travel and below are some recommendations, in no particular order.

In Bengaluru, Blossom Book House.

In Boulder, The Bookworm.

In San Jose, Recycle Bookstore.

In San Francisco, City Lights Booksellers & Publishers.

In Seattle, Mercer Street Books.

We now have additional recommendations of another city bookstore from the staff.

In Washington DC, Capitol Hill Books.



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